Beyond Pro Podcast: Leadership Insights For Women In Business

Nothing is ever wasted. It's all useful.



  Here’s a couple of patterns I see play out again and again at this time of year. Pattern #1: To completely ignore all past business missteps and hard knocks, in favour of focusing on the bright shiny future and possibility. Pattern #2: To completely dwell in the past, get locked in a story/personal narrative, and never go beyond it. Naturally, neither are constructive. Pattern #1 misses the critical opportunity and gift of past experience to shape the future direction and decisions we will need to make in business. Pattern #2 keeps us stuck, miserable and never moving forward. It does a number on our self-confidence and worth, and becomes a never-ending destructive cycle of doubt, shame, fear and guilt. I want you to embrace a third pattern. One that holds the perspective that nothing you’ve done is ever wasted, and contains valuable inside to drive your business forward, while not keeping you locked in past mistakes or regrets. The idea of making New Year’s Resolutions has come under fire the past few ye