Transformations With Jayne

Episode 42: Interview with Laura Marushima (日本語サマリーあります)



 Make sure you are a member of the (Podcast Club)!  We talk about: How Laura came to be in Japan. Japanese school PTA insider information Why she decided to start a business from home Laura’s life hacks for balancing 3 kids and a business About Laura: Laura Marushima is an Australian living and raising a family in Japan, keeping on top of everything by using her organizational skills. Raising three kids in a country that is not her own means she has to have systems and help in place to make sure everything gets done. She has always been an organized person, but four years ago she turned these talents into a business, and Full Circle Consulting was born.  She helps other Japan-based entrepreneurs with their businesses - some clients call her their executive assistant, others call her a VA (Virtual Assistant) and others call her their Chief of Operations. She refers to herself as an Administration Consultant but is happy to