Oscarwatch Podcast

The Incredibles (2004)



HAPPY 100 EPISODES! To celebrate this illustrious milestone, we are throwing ourselves an Incredi-ball and there's only one film to do that with: 2004's Best Animated Feature winner, The Incredibles. Just in time for the long overdue sequel, Amy and Steve take a look back and see just how incredible this film is...or has a decade of superhero glut ruined the magic for us? We also get to trash talk those most vile of vile villains: Objectivists! And the Libertarians who are ruining everything. Finally, isn't this all really Mr. Incredible's fault? And aren't we over this yet? All this and more, including how awesome Holly Hunter is on this, our very special centennial episode! Thank you for being a part of the last 100 and we hope you'll stick around for the next 100...and beyond! Write us an email at oscarwatchpodcast@gmail.com and find us on social media @oscarwatchpod Next week, we return to Italy for another tale of tiny adorable kids, love and the magic of movies...