Oscarwatch Podcast

The UnOscars: Christmas Evil (1980)



Just because a Christmas movie never won Best Picture doesn't mean we can't talk about Christmas movies on this show. Join us as we take a look at the cult classic Yuletide slasher, Christmas Evil! A film that borrows its cues not from Halloween or other holiday themed horror shows, but a very OscarWatch friendly source: Taxi Driver. This is a story of a man driven over the edge, and he must become something else to fix the world. It just so happens, our hero becomes Santa Claus. What follows next is a very interesting character study. Join Amy, Matt and Steve for a discussion on the themes, the gore, the music and where our sympathies should lie. What is the true meaning of Christmas? Just listen! Thanks for tuning in. Drop us a line at oscarwatchpodcast@gmail.com and be sure to find us on social media @oscarwatchpod Next week, a very Swedish Christmas!