Oscarwatch Podcast

Marty (1955)



So what do you want to do tonight? I don't know, what do you want to do? Why don't we discuss Marty, the 1955 Best Picture winner!? A small little film that one would call 'indie' today, the movie made a big splash at the time. But is it "the best" Steve and guest host Amy Thomasson - avowed classic film lover - discuss the social mores of the time, what does and does not hold up. how we all have 'that' friend and the universality (and quaintness) of "an ordinary love story". One that's about you and me, and all of us regular, podcast listening folk. We hope you enjoy listening! Let us know what you think of Amy, she'll probably be chiming in from time to time. Drop us an email at oscarwatchpodcast@gmail.com, and find us on social media @oscarwatchpod Next week, we find out just how damn green my valley is anyways!