Oscarwatch Podcast

Terms of Endearment (1983)



The MacLaine train keeps a rolling with Terms of Endearment (1983), the movie about the lifetime between a mother and daughter. So naturally, two guys have a long chat with one another and mansplain a thing or two. Like why you shouldn't date, let alone marry, a guy named Flap - seriously, why is that hard? And whether a film should have a character you actually like and we wonder if our wives will feel the same way about our daughters when they're all grown up. Oh, and did you know there was a sequel? Don't worry, Steve fell on that grenade for you! But is it the Best Picture? 1983 was a hell of a year. Let's see what else came out then. Drop us a line at oscarwatchpodcast@gmail.com. Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@oscarwatchpod) and be sure to subscribe and review on iTunes, it really helps get the word out. Next week, we begin our holiday countdown with a bunch of guys, some jewelry and a very long hike in the woods...