Oscarwatch Podcast

Silence of the Lambs (1991)



OscarWatch breaks out the fava beans and a nice chianti to bring you our slightly belated Halloween episode, The Silence of the Lambs - the only "horror" movie to have won Best Picture. Though Steve and Alex may have differing definitions of what horror is, and if this qualifies as one. And of course, an in-depth conversation about one of cinema's greatest villains, Hannibal Lecter. And before FBI Agent Dana Scully, there was Clarice Starling, still one of the greatest examples of law enforcement ever put on film - and she puts up with a ton of crap in this movie and we don't think that's all that right or fair or decent. We'd love to have you for dinner...to listen to this podcast! Enjoy our most 'spooktacular' episode yet! Subscribe to us on iTunes and be sure to leave a rating! Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@oscarwatchpod). Of course, you can always drop a line to us at oscarwatchpodcast@gmail.com. Next week, OscarWatch dusts off the old chariot for a trip back to ancient Rome...