Let The Right Films In

Baby Yoda in Review 2019



Every year, we gather together a group of friends, past guests, and creators we admire and ask each of them about a 2019 movie they enjoyed. This year, we also ambushed them with a very important question: how do you feel about Baby Yoda? These are the results. Our year in review series, as well as all of our guests, can be found here: + Part 1 (Parasite, Little Women, and prestige/awards movies): https://ltrfi.com/post/190412261092/the-right-films-of-2019-pt-1 + Part 2 (Hustlers, Detective Pikachu, and fun/blockbuster movies): https://ltrfi.com/post/190635538482/the-right-films-of-2019-pt-2 + Part 3 (Us, Scary Stories, and horror movie (kind of)): https://ltrfi.com/post/190700856267/the-right-films-of-2019-pt-3