Let The Right Films In

Ep. 19 - The masterful truth and heartbreak of A Separation



First-time guest Evan Culbertson joins the podcast to lend their extensive knowledge of Iranian film to our game but less-familiar hosts. There's a lot to unpack here, and each of those items has the additional weight of having to consider cultural differences. It's a long discussion, but a worthwhile one. TL;DR great movie, please watch and listen. First, though, the recently watched. We touch on the Oscars with some extra-planetary Damon discussion, beat the rotting corpse of The Revenant a time or twelve more for good measure, and stump for kids content that doesn't talk down to its audience. Also, Tyler won't shut up about Chi-raq, so... that's a thing. Show notes: http://bit.ly/1S5FevK Get in contact with us at ltrfipod@gmail.com. 0:29 Intro 02:15 Evan: The Martian - it's okay! Matt Damon - more impressive than Leo! A plea for mid-tier movies and the return of Steven Soderbergh (you're welcome). The 100 continues the CW's wining streak. Kayla: Having all the feelings about Big Hero 6 and kids m