Social Media Simplified

Building Authentic Relationships with Alexis Dean



Do you struggle to make real connections for your business? Do you panic when it comes to starting a conversation with a stranger at a networking event? You’re not alone. Joining me on the podcast to talk about building authentic relationships is Alexis Dean, founder of the Dovetail Community of Woman Entrepreneurs. Dovetail has a couple of main groups of entrepreneurs that they work with. They have their women on the rise, which is women who are growing and scaling their businesses, typically anywhere from six figures up to seven figures. And then they have their Dovetail summit ladies who are more experienced business owners and typically generating seven figures plus annual revenue. Alexis also owns a corporate team building and training business that she has had for about six and a half years. Needless to say, Alexis has built many authentic relationships over the years.By building authentic relationships you can market and grow your business without needing a huge budget to do it. Alexis has done this.