Incarnation Tallahassee

Prayer In Pain (Lam 5)



As we come now to the end of Lamentation, and the conclusion of our study of lament, we are reminded that pain does not go away quickly, or resolve neatly, at least not on this side of eternity. Oftentimes, pain comes in waves, troughs and crests. And it is yet amidst the ruins of Jerusalem, from the trough of despair and devastation, that the weeping prophet arrives at the last stanza of his lament, and cries out to the Lord in prayer. We join with the weeping prophet in Lamentations 5 as we pray in pain, hope against despair, and trust that the God who sees and knows our sorrows, remembers us in our pain, reigns sovereign over our suffering, will one day return and wipe away all our tears and all lamenting will forever cease.