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AIM - 19 I-601 Waiver Winning your waiver best tips and strategy by San Diego Immigration Lawyer



00:03 We will cover one of the most complex areas of immigration law and as the waivers of grounds of inadmissibility.   00:23 We'll  specifically about the I-601 Waiver that is a very powerful waiver that can waive grounds of unlawful presence, or certain criminal activity as well as misrepresentation and fraud.   00:44 It is very important to connect a qualifying relative that will be the focus of our waiver because if there isn't qualifying relative by law, then we don't have a waiver and that case would not be possibl   01:35 What is the standard of I-601 waiver? The legal standard is extreme hardship.   02:00 It is extreme hardship to the U.S. citizen qualifying relative this case, a parent or a spouse   02:18 We have things like family ties in the U.S. or in the foreign country. If the U.S. citizen, spouse or parent has been live in the U.S. for many, many years, they have strong roots here. Uprooting them from here is going to cause them extreme hardship cause they don't k