California Groundbreakers

The New Normal in California #4: One Chef's Plan to Feed California and Save Its Restaurants



In this episode, we’re taking a look at California’s restaurant industry – the efforts happening now to keep it going, and what it will look like after the pandemic is over. Our guest to explain all that today is Patrick Mulvaney, chef and owner of Mulvaney’s B&L in Sacramento. Like many other restaurants, Mulvaney’s B&L closed its doors once the shutdown started, but that’s when Patrick Mulvaney started cooking up his biggest project yet: serving thousands of meals to Sacramento’s most vulnerable people. And now his project is scaling statewide. Join us as Mulvaney talks about his new project, how it can help both California restaurants and residents stay afloat, and what he predicts the dining scene will look like after the pandemic ends. PODCAST PLAY-BY-PLAY * O to 4:20 min - Intro to this podcast, and to Patrick Mulvaney * 4:20 min - When Mulvaney realized he had to shut down his restaurant for the first time in its 14-year history * 8:05 min - How he came up with the plan for "Family Meal" * 14:0