California Groundbreakers

The New Normal in California #1: How Did This Thing Get Started?



Doing live, in-person events is off the table for a while, but we’re still interviewing Californians doing groundbreaking things during “Pandemic Time.” So here is our podcast series “The New Normal in California.” Over the next few weeks – or however long it takes before we get the all-clear to leave our houses again – we’ll be looking at the ways our coronavirus-affected lives are changing over the short- and long-term, and talking with Californians making significant change in this New Normal. In this first episode, we’re taking a look at the coronavirus that sparked a global pandemic, where it started and why, and what can we do as humans to stop this kind of thing from happening again? To help us understand all that, we interviewed Dr. Christine Kreuder Johnson, a professor of epidemiology at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine who studies animal-to-human transmission of viruses. Her new study about that type of viral transmission was published early April in a prestigious research journal, a