California Groundbreakers

Pop-Up Panel: Getting Economic Growth to the Neighborhoods that Need It



** This event was held on February 27, 2019 at Antiquite Midtown in Sacramento ** One of the City of Sacramento’s big initiatives: Come up with the right jobs strategy that boosts all of its neighborhoods, especially those with less-than average employment rates and high poverty. So how is that going? How is Sacramento residents' feedback on the matter being used? What is funding being spent on, and who and where is it benefiting? And how can the City’s government, businesses, nonprofits and us individuals turn these efforts into tangible economic growth and good jobs that boost people’s incomes and improve the neighborhoods they live in? Join us for another “cocktail conversation” with some Californians who are giving their all to boost economic growth in neighborhoods that need it — and find out how you can help them with their efforts. PANELISTS * Melissa Anguiano, economic development manager for the City of Sacramento * Nicholas Haystings - president and executive director of Square Root Academy,