California Groundbreakers

Groundbreakers Q&A: Katherine Bardis and Bay Miry



We’re talking with some of Sacramento’s mightiest movers and shakers this year, people who are bringing changes, making waves and putting California’s capital on the map in bold font. First up is a conversation with two of Sacramento’s most well-known groundbreakers — literally — who are responsible for what the city's growth will look like. Katherine Bardis and Bay Miry were born into real estate development families, and they’re carrying on the tradition. They like to go into under-the-radar parts of town and revitalize them (Miry's red-hot “R Street Corridor” and the 700 block of K Street; Bardis' housing community, the Mill). They’re taking innovative spins on how “mixed-use” housing and retail should go together, and how it should fit into a community. They’re addressing head-on the challenges of affordable housing and the fear of gentrification. And they just got married. We're in Ruhstaller’s basement taproom in downtown Sacramento with Bardis and Miry as they tell us about their current construct