California Groundbreakers

Policy and a Pint: How You Gonna Vote on the Environment? Proposition 12



Election 2018 is in full swing -- and now is the time to start figuring out how you're going to vote! Our Fall 2018 "Policy and a Pints" are focusing on California's General Election ballot. We're holding discussions with panelists who, whether they are "for, " against" or "neutral," will give us the straight talk on local/statewide propositions and races, and what it means if you vote yay or nay on each. * * * * * In this podcast, we're talking about Proposition 12, about banning the sale of meat and eggs from animals confined in spaces below specific sizes. NOTE: Our "No on Proposition 12" panelist had to drop out due to a family emergency, so we only have the "Yes on Proposition 12" panelist, but our moderator did her best to question him thoroughly. PANELIST * Chris Holbein, director of public policy of farm animal protection at the Humane Society of the United States PODCAST PLAY-BY-PLAY * O to 3:40 min - Intro to California Groundbreakers, and what this discussion is about * 3:40 min - Panelist i