California Groundbreakers

Policy and a Pint: Affordable Housing on the Voting Ballot



It's obvious that "affordable" and "housing" rarely go together in California. We're known for having some of the highest rental and housing prices in the U.S. But some Californians are taking action by: * fighting for more funding for affordable housing construction * authoring laws that create higher-density housing and forces cities to meet their housing goals * demanding rent control on apartment buildings, and demanding the repeal of a law that forbids it And come November 6, Californians will be voting on some of their actions on the state ballot, and many local ones, too. This "Policy and a Pint" focuses on the latest efforts to create more affordable housing -- by the state legislature, local advocacy groups, and the construction industry -- and what to keep in mind when voting "yay" or "nay" on them on your ballot. PANELISTS * Jovanna Fajardo, Sacramento Director of Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment, one of the groups in the Sacramento 4 Housing coalition that's trying to get a