The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Dating And Relating On The Right - MTP148



This is going to be one of the most controversial episodes I've ever produced. That's because politics are a hot potato nowadays, and this show inextricably links dating, relating and politics without apology. But regardless of how you vote, if you've EVER found yourself thinking all American women have lost feminine values and don't believe in gender roles anymore, you need to listen to this podcast. Similarly, if you appreciate guests who can passionately explain what they believe and why in detail, you're in for a treat. Enter my co-host Christy Edwards-Lawton, former high-end matchmaker and founder of conservative dating app Righter. While working on the Trump campaign, Christy met a beautiful model in Manhattan who couldn't find true love because she was conservative. Noticing how dating sites and apps such as OKCupid and Bumble were actively discouraging politically conservative users, she saw a clear opportunity to connect millions of right-leaning men and women everywhere. In this episode, Christy and