The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Relentless Flirting For Sport - MTP137



There has not been a show with 'flirting' in the title since episode 27. Granted, that could be because practically every show I do with a female guest is a flirt show, and I'll be the first to admit that on the surface it seems a show like this would be more fun with a woman as co-host. BUT...we as guys also need to talk about this among ourselves in a matter-of-fact environment, especially since it's arguably not quite as gentlemanly to talk about all of our flirt stories with a woman. So I invited fellow dating coach Tony Depp to co-host this round with me, first defining what flirting actually IS, and then hashing out the mindset and practices that are most effective. You'll find out why we can get women we're not interested in to love us, but blow it when we are attracted to them. Discover the mindset 95% of men have that renders it nearly impossible to even talk to the women they really want. Know the truth about how women really process what we call 'approach anxiety'. We reveal the basic understanding