The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Women Who Make Us Want Them - MTP126



My co-host for this episode is originally from Moscow and has the accent to match. She's a dating coach for women who recently wrote an article called '5 Ways To Get A Man To Do What You Want'. When I first found the article I was expecting something very different than what it was really least until I saw who the author was. Polina absolutely adores men, and teaches women all over the world how to charm us in a way that makes us want to be their heroes. Listen in as Polina outlines her five secrets for women on how to absolutely mesmerize us as men. Not only will you agree that you'd likely do anything for a woman who knows and practices these secrets, you're going to wonder aloud where the hell they've all been hiding lately. But rest much as Polina's going to compel you to consider Russian mail-order bride services, that's still a BAD idea in the long run. There are amazing women who 'get it' all over the world, including right there where you live. After all the talk about intrigue