The Chick Whisperer Podcast

The True Essence Of Coolness - MTP120



Over time I've learned--sometimes the hard way--that no matter how cool you are or how cool the stuff you do is, there's always someone who's cooler than you and doing cooler stuff. But one of the great ironies in this life is the sooner you realize that and "get over yourself", suddenly you're infinitely cooler to everyone else...along with all the stuff you do. Given this simple (but not easy) social principle, it follows logically that being an arrogant douchebag, when taken to an extreme, is ultimately one of the loneliest existences imaginable. This is an all-important life lesson that too many of us learn far too late in our adult lives, if we ever learn it at all. That's why I want you to meet Jeff Shapiro. Fair warning: Your first impression of him will likely be that he's a bigger badass than you and I put together. I found out about Jeff because he kept turning up as a "brand ambassador" for some of my favorite adventure gear companies, including Keen and Kavu. And that's no wonder. Dude is not only