The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Know What You Want In Life And Make It Happen - MTP108



The idea of 'radical transformation' appeals to nearly everyone. Most of us would love to be the best version of our most authentic self. But what do you do if you don't even know what you want...or who you even are? My co-host this time is serial entrepreneur and former ESPN SportsCenter host James Swanwick, who has done more thinking AND acting on this topic than most. Among the deep, life-changing questions we tackle in this episode are: Do we recognize when we're the ones causing ourselves problems, purely because of the bad habits we've let creep in over time? What if you know you a certain habit is killing you, yet you somehow can't find the will power to stop? Is the status quo really 'safer' than the risks you take by making changes to your life? You'll discover weird but powerful ways to live your passion and achieve wild success without burning out like a workaholic. Why the part of your life most people treat as a 'throwaway'--or even a total waste--might be the most strategic time you spend in you