Rashkin Report

Paul Goble: How Russia Could Lose Access To 89 % of Its Natural Gas Reserves And Other News



ONLY ON RASHKIN REPORT: Understanding what is really going on with anything, requires studying and doing ongoing research. That takes a lot of time! Lucky for us, there's Paul Goble, a retired State Department analyst, who publishes a blog where he shares some of the more notable stories from Russian-language press, in English. In our conversation Paul and I discussed some of those stories, as well as the developing trend of nationalism, separatism and other things discussing which in Russia in Russian, can get one in real trouble. Finally, we touched on some of the possible changes in the way America deals with Russia, should Trump leave the presidency for any reason. In the past Paul served as an advisor to Secretary James Baker, so getting his take on the likely changes in foreign policy should Vice President Pence become the President seemed more relevant today than ever. Make sure to check out Paul's blog www.windowoneurasia2.blogspot.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jst7Mv3Be34