The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Is Anything I Ever Do For You Good Enough? - MTP105



Have you ever felt like whatever you do for a woman it's never good enough? Worse...have you been left thinking that no matter what ANY man does in a world with so much 'man bashing', it's always going to be flat-out wrong? Obviously, any well-meaning man with solid intentions can be left thoroughly frustrated with a quickness. That's why I brought in my long time friend Iris Benrubi, who is a genuinely man-friendly licensed psychotherapist. Find out how seeds of discontent in your relationship with a woman--and her relationship with you--were actually sown in early childhood. And wait until you hear the fascinating truth about how the mental trigger of 'getting beat by a girl' when asking a woman out ends up screwing up your relationship with her later. Also, why some women are so good at triggering your 'hot buttons' and what to do when it happens. Finally, you'll also get true clarity on who should apologize to whom, and when...all the while gaining personal power and respect instead of squandering it. Rea