The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Be A Great Man Of Adventure - TCW93



This time we journey off the beaten track to discover how to get more adventure into your life. After all, no self-actualized man ever became great by sitting on the sofa and watching life happen on TV. So as you can guess, my co-host Derek Loudermilk is certainly no couch potato. In addition to hosting the Art Of Adventure podcast, he's studied the Great Barrier Reef, trained with world-class cyclists in Spain, discovered a new species at Yellowstone, explored Bali and done about a million other badass things...yet he's one of the most easy-going and down-to-earth guys you can imagine. Listen in as we consider some of the greatest men of adventure in history, what they did that was so cool, and what we can learn from their experiences in the quest to create our own epic adventures. And by the way, what IS 'adventure', anyway? All this and more in one action-packed episode. Get in on the most popular dating, relationship and men's lifestyle newsletter around. It's free for the taking at: http://www.thechickwh