The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Bring Out A Woman's Erotic Side - TCW52



What does it mean to truly be erotic, and why does it drive women so crazy? Join my illustrious co-host Allana Pratt and me as we talk about how to separate yourself from other guys who focus only on the 'sexual' without exploring the deeper side of male/female polarity. Allana reveals powerful secrets to being the man who turns women on at their very core, giving new meaning to the phrase 'getting physical'. While we're at it, I get Allana to explain why women can indulge in romance novels and 'literotica' even as they get angry and jealous at men for watching porn. (What's up with that, anyway?) In keeping with the theme of the show, we also answer a short but sweet voicemail from Randy in New York, who wants to know how to keep his long-term relationship from getting stale and boring. Wait until you hear the answer to that's most likely not what you expect. Be sure to get your free report called '6 Secrets To Meeting An Amazing Woman Online' when you visit, and check