The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Cars And Women, Not Necessarily In That Order - TCW47



Fellow gearheads and connoisseurs of fine women rejoice... Joining me for this show is Matt Farah from TV's The Car Show on Speed Channel and head car nut over at We hit the ground running (or make that rolling) with a great voicemail question on which car to drive if you want to attract women, but you DON'T want to look like a pretentious prettyboy. Then we dive right into the subject du jour, talking back and forth about every single thing you can think of, as long as women and cars are involved. Which cars are 'girl cars' and should therefore be avoided? What should you do if you can't exactly afford a killer ride at the moment? And what if you're stuck with a station wagon or (God forbid) a mini-van? We cover all of that and more, including some surprising info on women and motorcycles and--best of all--how to make sure the DRIVER (that's you) is doing his part to generate massive attraction in women. If you haven't yet checked out the latest X & Y Communications program The Differ