Girls Chase Podcast

3: Drexel Scott | Direct Sexual Game



Drexel Scott talks sex, comfort, and closing at your place with Varoon Raja. Selected topics of conversation… • How women usually make the first move • Transitioning from social to sexual • Ways to display sexual interest and dominance • Why sex isn’t a big deal to most women (and why they pretend it is) • Getting comfortable discussing sex with women openly • How to get women to come back to your place • Using a comfort building activity to get women relaxed at your place • How to seal the deal with a girl at your place • What Drexel covers in his new eBook, Straight to Sex • Why women require men to lead them so much • What women really want Listen online: LEARN SOMETHING GOOD? SUBSCRIBE AND REVIEW! If you enjoy the podcast, please subscribe in iTunes and leave a review. This helps us reach more ears, and casts your vote for “Yes! Make more episodes!”