Girls Chase Podcast

2: Franco Lombardi | Persisting Properly with Girls



Franco Lombardi discusses how women think, why late bloomers struggle, how to persist, and more. Selected topics of conversation… • Differences in how men think and women do • What women’s social skills learning curve looks like • Issues that late bloomers run into when first meeting women • What messages women read between the lines from your texts • The difference between chasing after women and persisting with women • Why it’s so vital to get women in person (rather than just text / social media) • Why women sit by and wait for you to lead rather than lead themselves • How to smoothly and properly persist with a girl • How to get women thinking about you and get ‘mental investment’ Listen online: LEARN SOMETHING GOOD? SUBSCRIBE AND REVIEW! If you enjoy the podcast, please subscribe in iTunes and leave a review. This helps us reach more ears, and casts your vote for “Yes! Make more episodes!”