Black Esquire Podcast

Season 2 Episode 5: Innovative Leadership



Season 2 Episode 5: Innovative Leadership Michelle & Shelley sit down with Black Tech Mecca Co-Founder, Fabian Elliot, to discuss challenges to innovation in tradition-heavy workspaces. In this episode, we lay out the best-practices for: pitching, testing profitability, and increasing sustainability of your catalytic ideas. Tune-in and learn how to use creativity and innovation to your advantage in conservative workspaces. Guest Spotlight: Fabian’s bold vision to connect technology with black empowerment enterprises was prompted by his own professional experiences with racial bias as a young adult. Shortly after his entry to the tech sector, these motivating instances stirred him to play a crucial role in the revamp, revitalization, and rebrand of Google’s black employee group where Fabian was appointed Global Co-Chair. In this role, Fabian co-chaired a leadership team responsible for 14 chapters and 700+ members across London, Dublin, Sao Paulo all over the globe. Developing with purpose of global connecti