Black Esquire Podcast

Episode 6 "You'd Better Get Controversial" : Diversifying Your Network for the Better



Episode 6: "You'd Better Get Controversial" - M. Waters: Diversifying Your Network for the Better Co-Hosts, Atty. Shelley Whitehead and Atty. Michelle Jenkins sit down with multi-talented Atty. Ashley Kirkwood to discuss the value and necessity of diversifying your network. The three discuss how-to strategically challenge your comfort zone and expand your business approach to incorporate more relevant, nourishing, and synergistic people into your network. GUEST SPOTLIGHT Ashley Kirkwood is an associate at a large law firm in Chicago. She’s a trial lawyer with a focus on employment and government litigation. She also maintains an active civil rights pro bono practice. When she’s not engaged in work, she enjoys recording for her YouTube channel, Passion, Purpose, and Paychecks, where she interviews a variety of professionals who have left traditional corporate jobs to launch businesses that they are passionate about. Outside of work, Ashley loves traveling with her husband, worshiping at her family’s church, a