Leigh Martinuzzi

717 Book Reflection - Let's Talk about Death (over dinner) by Michael Hebb



Let's Talk about Death by Michael Hebb Written by Leigh Martinuzzi For many of us, the conversation about death is one we’d prefer to avoid not to mention one that we'd be delighted to have while enjoying a meal around the dinner table. In this book, the author, Michael Hebb not only encourages us to talk about death but inspires it. Without a doubt a difficult and uncomfortable topic of conversation yet one that has significant importance. Death will happen to us all, at least for the inevitable future, and when that time comes remains largely undecided. It may be that we live a healthy long life, fortunately passing of natural causes, on the other hand, life may be taken from us earlier than desired by illness or accident. Whatever the case, it’s a guarantee and from what I can gather when that day does come, it is something that is hard to navigate, understand, appreciate and manager regardless of whether it’s us or someone else we know.