Leigh Martinuzzi

708 Happy New Year - The Hidden Why in 2019



Happy New Year A quick quote and thought and then an update on what you can expect in the year 2019 here at The Hidden Why. Thank you all for your continued support. “Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbours, and let every new year find you a better man.” Benjamin Franklin This is not a practice savoured for New Year’s Day. New Year’s Day is the day to measure our progress. To reflect on the year that has been. To see how well we succeed in the battles with our vices and how truly peaceful we were with our family, friends and neighbours. How truly peaceful we are with ourselves. The goal is not to be better than everyone else, to compare our achievements with the world. The goal is to be a better person. To compare ourselves with who we were yesterday. To know how we feel. To do this with some level of success we have to be mindful of our priorities in life. This will, I am sure, improve with age. Self-awareness grows in time. Focus on your health. Keep learning. Find ways to connect and e