Leigh Martinuzzi

707 There Is Nothing Wrong With You! - by Leigh Martinuzzi



There Is Nothing Wrong With You! By Leigh Martinuzzi The world is in perfect order. Everyone else and everything else seems to be great. Then we look inwardly. “My life sucks!” We get that feeling of irrelevance. Our perspective becomes warped. We begin to believe there is truly something wrong with us. I believe that is was Jordan Peterson who put it so beautifully in his book, 12 Rules For Life, “there is nothing wrong with you!” At least that is where I believe I received the inspiration to write this article. Do you think there is something wrong with you, at times? I have certainly had these feelings. Perhaps on occasions I still do. However, it couldn’t be further from the truth. We are perfectly brilliant and flawed just as we are. Please join me on my exploration as to why this is the case.