Leigh Martinuzzi

709 Book Reflection -The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be



The Success Principles Written by Leigh Martinuzzi Jack Canfield is most popular for his book Chicken Soup for The Soul that presents an array of comforting stories of how amazing people have moved through adversity, overcome challenges and risen up to go on and live their dreams. In The Success Principles Jack shares 64 timeless philosophies that many people both past and present use to live their own definition of success. I read this book years ago after a recommendation by a mentor of mine. After reading it the first time it was clear that my mentor had read it several times as he not only lives by the principles but he no teaches them as well. Many in which I have picked up from him. It was time I take another listen and recap on some of the key principles. It's also a chance to rewrite this review. Take a read or have a listen - enjoy this week's book reflection.