Leigh Martinuzzi

705 Book Reflection - This is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn to See by Seth Godin



This is Marketing Written by Leigh Martinuzzi Seth Godin is the marketing guru – the king of marketing. He sure knows his stuff. As I stated in a recent review of his podcast Akimbo, aside from extreme marketing prowess what makes Seth so attractable is his ability to communicate both elegantly and clearly. It is one of the traits that I truly admire about Seth. This book captures the brilliance of Seth’s knowledge on marketing in an easy to read format that will make us humble marketers or sceptics reframe what marketing is and why it exists. Seth defines what marketing is and what it isn’t. With work that has transformed how successful entrepreneurs and businesses communicate with their people, their tribes, the market, I would suggest Seth is a worthy source to learn from. Please enjoy this week's book reflection on The Hidden Why podcast.