Leigh Martinuzzi

702 Matt Ward - Exponential Technologies and Where We are Headed



The Future & Tech In this interview, I speak with Futurist Matt Ward about Exponential Technologies and Where We are Headed. People talk about AI and blockchain, Crispr and VR yet the vast majority of folks do not realize how quickly the future is coming or which industries will have the largest impact. Worse still, many believe their futures to be much like their pasts and yet the science, especially when it comes to ageing and AI is advancing exponentially faster than people expect. Individuals that see the future before it is here are able to better prepare and succeed as the world changes. We discuss why and how exponential technologies will affect health, longevity and humanity. Matt's greatest concern is that almost globally, society, politics and the cultures we exist in are limited by short-term thinking. Perhaps the best way forward with an attempt to avoid any major catastrophes is to encourage more conversations like this one. Enjoy!  Guest Bio Matt Ward runs an investment syndicate, hosts top