Leigh Martinuzzi

671 Habit vs. Skill and The 10,000 Hour Rule by Leigh Martinuzzi



Habit vs. Skill and The 10,000 Hour Rule It was bought to my attention in an interview I did with Zach Schonbrun, author of The Performance Cortex, that habit and skill are two very different matters. Popularised by Malcolm Gladwell, the 10,000-hour rule suggests that by doing any activity repetitively one will master it. According to Andres Ericsson who has spent a lifetime studying the psychology behind expertise and human performance and the source of Gladwell's research he states that the “10,000-hour rule” is actually not a rule at all. In this episode, I explore my understanding of habit and skill and what was really discovered by Andres Ericsson in regards to the 10,000-hour rule. Enjoy!