Leigh Martinuzzi

662 Miles Neale: Gradual Awakening



Gradual Awakening with Miles Neale The world may be on the verge of global crisis. The economic, political, ecological and environmental landscapes are at the tipping point. Humanity appears confused and unaware in search of answers. As western culture embraces traditional practices favoured by many religious pursuits people jump on the trends of the likes of meditation and mindfulness yet equally sceptical of spiritual paths. In this conversation with Miles Neale, author of Gradual Awakening, we go beyond the surface and typical mindfulness talk into a deeper look at the current state of humanity. We explore the opportunities for humanity to experience an awakening - understanding mindfulness, wisdom and virtue as we attempt to overthrow of the nihilism, hedonism, and materialism that are threatening our planet. Enjoy! Guest Bio Dr Miles Neale is among the leading voices of the current generation of Buddhist teachers and a forerunner in the emerging field of contemplative psychotherapy. He is a licens