Shepherd Of The Desert Podcast

Being Challenge Keystone Habit 2: Study Scripture | Shepherd Worship October 4th



Have you ever struggled to dive into God's Word? Maybe you've tried every reading plan on the internet and you still can't seem to get into the groove of studying Scripture. You're certainly not alone. As we look at the second keystone habit in the Being Challenge - Study Scripture - we discover that being in the Word means so much more than simply following an obligatory reading plan or posting Bible verse memes on social media. Studying Scripture means finding our story in THE story - the greatest story ever told. When we dig into God's Word, we learn more about who God is and what he set out to accomplish through his Son, Jesus. And as we learn more about Jesus, in turn we learn more about who God has created us to be on this earth. #shepherdazonline #beingchallenge