Health Talk With The Stoners

041: Discovering Your Dream Job



Let's take a step back in time...When you were a child did you have a dream of what you wanted to do when you grew up? Did you want to be an astronaut, baseball player, the president, or a Ninja Turtle?When did that dream disappear? When did you lose that inspiration to conquer the steps it would take to make that dream a reality?Do you STILL want that Dream?We all have dreams, some fantasy but many could be a reality. Life has a way of keeping us from reaching those goals and obtaining the dream we had for ourselves. But what if I said, you still have that fight inside of you. Would you believe it?Each and every one of us is on our own personal journey, but if we team together, support each other, and encourage each other to discover our dreams, wouldn't we live in a lot healthier and happy place? In this episode we take an in depth look at discovering our dream job while Mickayla shares her story of finding hers and how she went step by step into making that dream a reality.I mentioned in this epi