Military Mom Talk Radio

Stop Yelling and Start Responding with Sandra Beck and Sharon Silver



Sandra Beck and Robin Boyd of Military Mom Talk Radio speak with Proactive Parenting author and parenting coach Sharon Silver about how to stop reacting and start responding to your kids. Sharon Silver has lived what every parent is living: a real life, parenting real children. She's the author of Stop Reacting and Start Responding: 108 Ways to Discipline Consciously and Become the Parent You Want to Become, a parent educator, speaker, coach, and radio and TV host with an intuitive understanding of the challenges parents face. Educated in parenting and early childhood development, with four certifications as a Parent Educator, she's a former facilitator for both The Cline/Fay Institute and Redirecting Children's Behavior, as well as the founder, director and speaker of Proactive Parenting. Also on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, I Heart Radio and GooglePlay. Find out how can lower your monthly payments today with a 5-minute online rate check you can see your rate upfront!