The Strenuous Life Podcast With Stephan Kesting / Grapplearts Radio

336 - Why Some People & Groups are More Prone to Conspiracy Theories, with Julian Walker from Conspirituality



Julian Walker has researched, written, and podcasted about cults and gurus, spiritual bypass and quantum woo in New Age circles extensively.  He is also a cohost of the (amazing) Conspirituality Podcast. Today's episode is really important, and we discuss why certain groups (like BJJ, MMA and Yoga circles) are more into conspiracy theories (starting roughly at 4:46), the tendency for some people to make connections and see patterns where none exist (17:59), end of the world prophecies in conspiracy theories (48:08), and more. If you enjoyed this episode then please check out episode 291 with Derek Beres (, 297 with Mathew Remski (, and 325 with Ami Palmer ( And, as always, a review of this podcast on iTunes or Spotify would be SUPER appreciated Thanks Stephan Kesting