Making Positive Psychology Work Podcast

What Do You Most Desire & Why? with Luke Burgis



Luke Burgis, who's the entrepreneur in residence and director of programs at the Ciocca Centre for Principled Entrepreneurship at the Catholic University of America, where he also teaches business and develops new education initiatives. Luke's co-created and led four companies in wellness, consumer products, and technology. He is the founder and director of Fourth World Ventures, an incubator for people and companies that contribute to the formation of a healthy human ecology. And Luke's new book Wanting: The Power of Mimetic Desire in Everyday Life has just been released. In this week's episode we explore how desire impacts our wellbeing and the simple steps we can take to positively shape our desires for the good of ourselves and others. Connect with Luke Burgis: You’ll Learn: [02:39] - Luke explains why understanding what shapes our desire is an important part of caring for our wellbeing. [04:07] - Luke explains what mimetic desire is and how it influences our motivation. [06:49]