Dire Weasels: A Real(ish) Play 5e Dungeons And Dragons Podcast

Episode 118 - Sexy Two Tails



We start our journey through the void! Err, maybe not that extravegant, it's just the underdark. It's always been the underdark, right? Wonder if there's anything different. Well, the crew is planning on leaving out of Manzanilla, leaving it with democracy. They bring along the princess, or ex princess, and maybe a guide... Wonder what they will meet. Cody, or @codedude3, is our mighty glorious leader guiding us into battle. Ivana, or @arcaneVice gets drunk(while she's on hiatus). John, or @AbsurdistKobold, has fabulous hair. Mollie, or @MollieMM9, silently regrets every decision that has lead her to this podcast. Forrest, or @Walk6070, jerks it to the sound of typing and howler monkeys. We also had guests on this episode of the Dire Weasels! First off, we had Lorelei(@lothlorien_elf) from the Good Looks, Bad Books podcast(@GLBBpodcast), and she plays Fingling Don'Loin! We also had Fox(@Hack_Fox) from the Dragons of Cthulhu podcast(@DoC_podcast)! He plays the guide through the underdark, Fox! Yup! And, our fi