Dire Weasels: A Real(ish) Play 5e Dungeons And Dragons Podcast

Episode 116 - Oui Fishal Pool it Tickles



The scene opens. A single spotlight on stage revealing a man with both of his hands covering his face, head sagged down, and his elbows on his knees. He weeps softly at first, then the sobs become more intense. The woeful mourning sobs echo throughout the theater. Then the sobs turn to laughter, hysterical laughter that bounces through the halls and out the abandoned facilities doors. He stands, screaming "What have I done!" into the stale air. He then sits. I am this man. And this, is some weird ass tangent that a DM, namely THIS DM, SHOULD NOT HAVE WENT DOWN, BUT APPARENTLY ITS A THING? Anyway, people ask questions, apparently the right ones and they stumble into this weird backstory I made up in my head to make everything work, but then they don't dig deeper, and so it just sort of ends, and it's good and fine because we should just jump back on the rails, and no one will actually read this anyway, and I hit on Forrest some this episode and also John makes Connor do nothing, but it's not his fault because