Dire Weasels: A Real(ish) Play 5e Dungeons And Dragons Podcast

Episode 96 - Turning into a Cave



Look, I'm trying to get past all this. Is what a great little side quest thing, and like, big story and what not, but dang. DO YOU HAVE TO LET IT LINGER! DO YOU HAVE TO, DO YOU HAVE TO, DO YOU HAVE TO LET IT LINGER!!! Okay. Now that that's off my chest, the party is still fighting with the sisters, but it seems like things are going in their favor. Crystal Light still has some weird tingles underneath her skin and Tetsu and Sturella still have to deal with some pests. Oh, and that Cock-head is somewhere and is probably not important what-so-ever... - C3 Thank you for downloading the Dire Weasels! You can find us on twitter collective @DireWeasels, find our DM Cody @codedude3, Forrest Walker is @walk6070, Ivana Greenleaf is @arcanevice, John is @absurdistkobold, and Mollie is @eskimomo9. If you like what you heard after downloading, head on over to iTunes or your respective podcasting app and give us a rating and review! If you do, send us an email at direweasels@gmail.com and let us know where to find it so w