Dire Weasels: A Real(ish) Play 5e Dungeons And Dragons Podcast

Episode 91 - The Reach Around of the Angel



There was a lot of emails in this episode. It made me very happy, but we barely had time for the combat, but all in all, I don't really like combat all that much. In this episode Evynne talks with the 3 drow ladies in the VIP room, and the rest of the party start attacking the poor Party Boi's who did NOTHING WRONG! Also, what's with Dk'Jakker wanna be angel thing? Who keeps talking to Crystal Light? Look guys, I'M SUBTLE OKAY? Anyway, like at the top, stay after for more emails! Did I mention I love getting emails? Also, check out Patreon for your rewards, coming out on March 3rd, this Friday! Hopefully that worked? IDK... - C3Thank you for downloading the Dire Weasels! You can find us on twitter collective @DireWeasels, find our DM Cody @codedude3, Forrest Walker is @walk6070, Ivana Greenleaf is @arcanevice, John is @absurdistkobold, and Mollie is @eskimomo9. If you like what you heard after downloading, head on over to iTunes or your respective podcasting app and give us a rating and review! If you do, sen