Dire Weasels: A Real(ish) Play 5e Dungeons And Dragons Podcast

Episode 84: Times They are a Changin' (AKA Mollie vs. Audacity)



Spoiler alert. Audacity took the fight in the end. Mollie's track goes from very distorted to normal to the audience not being able to hear her while we all still respond to the things she says (she's like our Garfield for the last 20-25 minutes of the episode). We recorded for the first time after a long layoff, so a lot of this episode is shaking off the ring rust and being excited to chat with friends again. But something big happens. Also, just in case we haven't been great about spreading the word, when we record, we are looking atn 7:30-9 JST. Thanks for listening. @DireWeasels : @Walk6070, @AbsurdistKobold, @eskimomo9, @codedude3 and @arcanevice Rate and review us whereever you feel is best. Forrest would love you if it were iTunes, but ultimately any exposure helps. Check out our sibling podcasts on the Shouse podcast studio. If you want to help us do what we do, there is always patreon.com/direweasels.